120110 Macro Photography

ISO 3200, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/100sec


This shot was entirely manual. After experiencing with Macro, I found out it might be suitable for a different type of lens, just not the the one I was using. Anyhow, manual is always my first choice since I can manipulate the exposure better.

Post-processing includes filling in more light, pushing the blacks a little bit more, and also pushing the grains to fit with the atmosphere of a black and white photograph

ISO 6400, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/60 sec

Title: “And love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind. It is pure white, just like sin…”

Also shot in manual mode. Post-processing includes pushing the grains and exposure to produce a high-key photograph. This one is more conceptual than getting the exposure right. I got inspired by the song A love suicide to express the idea of a brief beauty, which is what flowers are 🙂

It seems most of us students had to use cropping since we don’t have decent equipment for macro shots XD

One thought on “120110 Macro Photography

  1. JB

    Your gray scale image could use the black pushed a little more to get a pure black somewhere in the deepest shadows. The pink rose is a much stronger composition. It would be better if the depth of field were greater in the second image.

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